Mollema captures Tour of Lombardy
When Mauricio Pochettino took over as Tottenham manager in 2014, the club had managed only two top-four finishes in 22...
When Mauricio Pochettino took over as Tottenham manager in 2014, the club had managed only two top-four finishes in 22...
When Mauricio Pochettino took over as Tottenham manager in 2014, the club had managed only two top-four finishes in 22...
When Mauricio Pochettino took over as Tottenham manager in 2014, the club had managed only two top-four finishes in 22...
When Mauricio Pochettino took over as Tottenham manager in 2014, the club had managed only two top-four finishes in 22...
When Mauricio Pochettino took over as Tottenham manager in 2014, the club had managed only two top-four finishes in 22...
When Mauricio Pochettino took over as Tottenham manager in 2014, the club had managed only two top-four finishes in 22...
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Professional esports games are special not just because of the skills on display, but also because of the casters who...
With just five days to go before the first ever Dota 2 Major hosted in South America, the group...
如果有一个国家可以将羽毛球带到更高的高度,那就是印度。 前丹麦国脚马蒂亚斯·博伊认为,鉴于印度的人口规模和近年来的庞大追随者,印度有可能成为这项运动的领跑者。 今年早些时候,Boe 被印度文学士 (BAI) 重新聘为双打部门的带头人,这被证明是一个绝妙的举动,因为丹麦人启发了国家男子队在曼谷(5 月) )。 据这位42岁的2012年伦敦奥运会男双银牌得主介绍,举起羽毛球的部分责任落在了印度的肩上。 “如果有一个国家可以真正改变事物,那就是印度。 “看看他们在板球和 IPL(印度超级联赛)方面做了什么。 它是世界上最大的特许经营联盟之一,仅次于美国的 NFL(国家橄榄球联盟)。 “拥有 14 亿人口的印度最有可能更快地将羽毛球运动提升到一个新的水平。 “我认为中国这样的国家的文化没有太大变化,因为制度是这样的,国家协会在决策方面拥有太多权力,马来西亚和印度尼西亚等国家也是如此。 “就羽毛球而言,就个人而言,印度是目前最有趣的地方,”Boe 说,他也在与宝莱坞最大的明星之一...